Algorithm Used in Vector
(i) Non-Manipulating Algorithms:
1. sort(first_iterator,last_iterator)-To sort a given vector.
2. reverse(first_iterator,last_iterator)-To reverse a given vector.
3. *max_element(first_iterator,last_iterator)-To find the maximum element of a vector
4. *min_element(first_iterator,last_iterator)-To find the minimum element of a vector
5. accumulate(first_iterator,last_iterator.initial value of sum)-Does the summation of vector elements.
6. count(first_iterator,last_iterator,x)-Count the occurrence in vector.
7. find(first_iterator,last_iterator,x)-Points the last address of the vector if the element is not found
Sample Code:
8. binary_search(first_iterator,last_iterator,x)-Tests whether x exists in the sorted vector or not!
9. lower_bound(first_iterator,last_iterator,x)- The leftmost position in which 'x' can be inserted keeping the vector sorted.
10. upper_bound(first_iterator,last_iterator,x)- The rightmost position in which 'x' can be inserted keeping the vector sorted.
Sample Code:
(ii) Manipulating Algorithms:
1. vect.erase(position to be deleted)-This erases the selected element and shifts and resizes the vector.
2. vect.erase(unique(vect.begin(),vect.end()),vect.end())-This erases thye duplicate occurrence in the sorted vector.
3. next_permutation(first_iterator,last_iterator)-This modified vector to it's next permutation.
4. prev_permutation(first_iterator,last_iterator)-This modified vector to it's previous permutation.
Sample Code:
Sample Code:
8. binary_search(first_iterator,last_iterator,x)-Tests whether x exists in the sorted vector or not!
9. lower_bound(first_iterator,last_iterator,x)- The leftmost position in which 'x' can be inserted keeping the vector sorted.
10. upper_bound(first_iterator,last_iterator,x)- The rightmost position in which 'x' can be inserted keeping the vector sorted.
Sample Code:
(ii) Manipulating Algorithms:
1. vect.erase(position to be deleted)-This erases the selected element and shifts and resizes the vector.
2. vect.erase(unique(vect.begin(),vect.end()),vect.end())-This erases thye duplicate occurrence in the sorted vector.
3. next_permutation(first_iterator,last_iterator)-This modified vector to it's next permutation.
4. prev_permutation(first_iterator,last_iterator)-This modified vector to it's previous permutation.
Sample Code:
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